Saturday, July 25, 2009
I may have a job - at least, I have the most promising interview I've had in a long time. It's a lateral move, both professionally and financially, and the benefits are not the best, but it's a job. And if I get it, I need to start right away.
I was planning to use the next two weeks when the Boy is at camp to do projects around the house - finally get my garage, laundry room and other cluttered areas in my house in some semblance of order. I've had all year to do this, but when do I start? Yesterday, when I finally dumped 5 bags of garbage from the laundry room (with more to come.) And now, if things go well, I won't have the rest of the summer to do this stuff.
I've been promising the Boy a new desk before school started, and I found a cool one at a yard sale. It's not really a desk, it's an old-fashioned kitchen table with an enamel top. He wanted black paint - I think red would be better in his room, but he wants the walls black, so this is a compromise. Maybe if we get him red desktop stuff.